<html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /> <title>Nepali Unicode | Nepali Unicode Converter</title> <META NAME="description" CONTENT="Nepali Unicode, Nepali Unicode Converter, Romanized Nepali"> <META NAME="keywords" CONTENT="Nepali Unicode, Nepali Unicode Converter"> <script language="javascript"> /************************************************************************************ ************************************************************************************ * DO NOT USE // FOR COMMENTS. Use the star slash notation. ************************************************************************************/ var uD = new Object; var sW = new Object; var cR = new Object; var iW = new Object; iW["cha"] = "chha"; iW["chu"] = "chhu"; iW["chha"] = "chha"; iW["ma"] = "ma"; iW["aba"] = "aba"; iW["nam"] = "naam"; iW["ram"] = "raam"; iW["pani"] = "pani"; iW["lai"] = "laaii"; iW["pai"] = "paaii"; iW["dai"] = "daaii"; iW["bhai"] = "bhaaii"; function translateWords(sent, html) { if(sW["smartconverter_on"] == "true") sent = sent.replace(/\s*\./g, " .").replace(/\s*\?/g, " ?"); var words = sent.split(" "); var rVal = ""; var subs; for(i=0;i<words.length;i++) { words[i] = words[i].replace(/ri\^/g,"ari^"); /*special 'tri's need 'a' injected: 'tari' */ if(sW["smartconverter_on"] == "true") { if(hasSW(words[i])); else if(iW[words[i]]) words[i] = iW[words[i]]; else if(words[i].length > 3) { var ec_0, ec_1, ec_2, ec_3; ec_0 = words[i].charAt(words[i].length -1).toLowerCase(); ec_1 = words[i].charAt(words[i].length -2).toLowerCase(); ec_2 = words[i].charAt(words[i].length -3).toLowerCase(); ec_3 = words[i].charAt(words[i].length -4).toLowerCase(); if((ec_0 == 'a' || ec_0 == 'e' || ec_0 == 'u') && ec_1 == 'h' && ec_2 == 'c') /*cha->chha, chu->chhu*/ words[i]= words[i].substring(0, words[i].length -3) + "chh" + ec_0; else if(ec_0 == 'y') /*y->ee, ry=ree*/ words[i]= words[i].substring(0, words[i].length -1) + "ree"; else if(ec_0 == 'a' && ec_1 == 'h' && ec_2 == 'h') ; /*chha->nothing..parchha*/ else if(ec_0 == 'a' && ec_1 == 'n' && ec_2 == 'k') ; /*kna->nothing..pakna sakna*/ else if(ec_0 == 'a' && ec_1 == 'n' && ec_2 == 'h') ; /*hna->nothing..lekhna, dekhna*/ else if(ec_0 == 'a' && ec_1 == 'n' && ec_2 == 'r') ; /*rna->nothing..garna sarna*/ else if(ec_0 == 'a' && ec_1 == 'r' && ec_2 == 'd' && ec_3 == 'n') ; /*ndra->nothing..rajendra*/ else if(ec_0 == 'a' && ec_1 == 'r' && ec_2 == 't' && ec_3 == 'n') ; /*ntra->nothing..swatantra*/ else if(ec_0 == 'a' && ((ec_1 == 'm') || (!isVowel(ec_1) && !isVowel(ec_3) && ec_1 != 'y' && ec_2 != 'e'))) words[i]+="a"; if(ec_0 == 'i' && !isVowel(ec_1))/*ending i->ee*/ words[i]= words[i].substring(0, words[i].length -1) + "ee"; } } subs = words[i].split("/"); for(j=0;j<subs.length;j++) if(subs[j].length != 0) rVal += getAllUnicode(subs[j], html); rVal += " "; } return rVal; } function hasSW(s) { var sIndex; for(sIndex = s.length-2; sIndex>=0;sIndex--) { if(sW[s.substring(sIndex)]) return true; } return false; } function getUnicode(t, ll, html) { var u = ""; var stopPos = 0; var ar = t.split("+"); if(ll && ar && ar.length > 1 && sW["smartconverter_on"] == "true" && ar[ar.length-1] == "2381") /* remove trailing short characther so that swagatam = swagatama */ stopPos = 1; if(ar) for(k=0; k<(ar.length - stopPos);k++) if(ar[k].length > 0 && !html) u +=String.fromCharCode(ar[k]); else if(ar[k].length > 0 && html) u +="&#"+ar[k]+";"; return u; } function getAllUnicode(s, html) { var allUnicode = ""; var u; var tryString = s; tryString= tryString.replace(/T/g, "^^t^^").replace(/D/g, "^^d^^").replace(/N/g, "^^n^^").replace(/SH/g, "^^sh^^").replace(/Sh/g, "^^sh^^"); tryString=tryString.toLowerCase(); tryString= tryString.replace(/\^\^t\^\^/g, "T").replace(/\^\^d\^\^/g, "D").replace(/\^\^n\^\^/g, "N").replace(/\^\^sh\^\^/g, "Sh"); var nextTryString = ""; while(tryString.length > 0) { u = uD[tryString]; if(u || tryString.length <= 1) { if(u) allUnicode += getUnicode(u, !(nextTryString.replace(/^\s+|\s+|\\$/, '').length>0), html); else allUnicode += tryString; tryString = nextTryString; nextTryString = ""; } else { nextTryString = tryString.charAt(tryString.length -1) + nextTryString; tryString = tryString.substring(0, tryString.length -1); } } if(allUnicode.length == 0) return s; else return allUnicode; } function translate(source, destination, html, smart) { var input = source.value; var beginIndex = 0; var endIndex = -1; var engTokens = new Object; var token = ""; var tokenCount = 1; var mask = ""; while(beginIndex > -1 && endIndex < input.length -1) { beginIndex = input.indexOf("{", endIndex + 1); if(beginIndex > -1) { endIndex = input.indexOf("}", beginIndex + 1); if(endIndex == -1) endIndex = input.length - 1; token = input.substring(beginIndex, endIndex + 1); mask = "$-"+tokenCount+"-$"; engTokens[mask] = token.substring(1, token.length-1); input = input.replace(token, mask); endIndex = endIndex - token.length + mask.length; tokenCount++; } } var nonSmartTokens = new Object; if(smart) { smartConverter(false); beginIndex = 0; endIndex = -1; token = ""; mask = ""; while(beginIndex > -1 && endIndex < input.length -1) { beginIndex = input.indexOf("[", endIndex + 1); if(beginIndex > -1) { endIndex = input.indexOf("]", beginIndex + 1); if(endIndex == -1) endIndex = input.length - 1; token = input.substring(beginIndex, endIndex + 1); mask = "$-"+tokenCount+"-$"; nonSmartTokens[mask] = translateWords(token.substring(1, token.length-1), html); input = input.replace(token, mask); endIndex = endIndex - token.length + mask.length; tokenCount++; } } smartConverter(true); } var unicode = translateWords(input, html); if(smart) { for (mask in nonSmartTokens) { unicode = unicode.replace(translateWords(mask, html).replace(" ", ""), nonSmartTokens[mask].replace(/\s$/, "")); } } for (mask in engTokens) { unicode = unicode.replace(translateWords(mask, html).replace(" ", ""), engTokens[mask]); } destination.value = unicode; } function isVowel(c) { c = c.toLowerCase(); if(c && c =="a" || c =="e" || c =="i" || c =="o" || c =="u") return true; return false; } function smartConverter(smartflag) { if(smartflag) { for (var specialWord in sW) uD[specialWord] = sW[specialWord]; sW["smartconverter_on"] = "true"; } else { for (var specialWord in sW) if(uD[specialWord]) uD[specialWord] = null; sW["smartconverter_on"] = null; } } cR["ba"]="2348"; cR["bha"]="2349"; cR["ca"]="2325"; cR["cha"]="2330"; cR["chha"]="2331"; cR["Da"]="2337"; cR["da"]="2342"; cR["dha"]="2343"; cR["Dha"]="2338"; cR["fa"]="2347"; cR["ga"]="2327"; cR["gha"]="2328"; cR["gya"]="2332+2381+2334"; cR["ha"]="2361"; cR["ja"]="2332"; cR["jha"]="2333"; cR["ka"]="2325"; cR["kha"]="2326"; cR["ksha"]="2325+2381+2359"; cR["la"]="2354"; cR["ma"]="2350"; cR["Na"]="2339"; cR["na"]="2344"; cR["Nepala"]="2344+2375+2346+2366+2354"; cR["nga"]="2329"; cR["pa"]="2346"; cR["pha"]="2347"; cR["qa"]="2325"; cR["ra"]="2352"; cR["sa"]="2360"; cR["sha"]="2358"; cR["Sha"]="2359"; cR["ta"]="2340"; cR["Ta"]="2335"; cR["Tha"]="2336"; cR["tha"]="2341"; cR["va"]="2357"; cR["wa"]="2357"; cR["xa"]="2325+2381+2360"; cR["ya"]="2351"; cR["yna"]="2334"; cR["za"]="2332"; uD["*"]="2306"; uD["**"]="2305"; uD["."]="2404"; uD["\\"]="2381"; uD["0"]="2406"; uD["1"]="2407"; uD["2"]="2408"; uD["3"]="2409"; uD["4"]="2410"; uD["5"]="2411"; uD["6"]="2412"; uD["7"]="2413"; uD["8"]="2414"; uD["9"]="2415"; uD["a"]="2309"; uD["aa"]="2310"; uD["ai"]="2320"; uD["am"]="2309+2381"; uD["au"]="2324"; uD["aum"]="2384"; uD["e"]="2319"; uD["i"]="2311"; uD["ii"]="2312"; uD["o"]="2323"; uD["om"]="2384"; uD["oo"]="2314"; uD["ri^"]="2381+2352+2367+"; uD["rr"]="2352+2381+8205"; uD["rree"]="2400"; uD["rri"]="2315"; uD["u"]="2313"; for(var conso in cR) { if(!uD[conso]) uD[conso] = cR[conso]; if(!uD[conso+"a"]) uD[conso+"a"] = cR[conso] + "+2366"; var consoMinusA = conso.substring(0,conso.length-1); var consoVal = cR[conso]; if(!uD[consoMinusA+"i"]) uD[consoMinusA+"i"] = consoVal + "+2367"; if(!uD[consoMinusA+"ee"]) uD[consoMinusA+"ee"] = consoVal + "+2368"; if(!uD[consoMinusA+"u"]) uD[consoMinusA+"u"] = consoVal + "+2369"; if(!uD[consoMinusA+"oo"]) uD[consoMinusA+"oo"] = consoVal + "+2370"; if(!uD[consoMinusA+"ri"]) uD[consoMinusA+"ri"] = consoVal + "+2371"; if(!uD[consoMinusA+"e"]) uD[consoMinusA+"e"] = consoVal + "+2375"; if(!uD[consoMinusA+"ai"]) uD[consoMinusA+"ai"] = consoVal + "+2376"; if(!uD[consoMinusA+"o"]) uD[consoMinusA+"o"] = consoVal + "+2379"; if(!uD[consoMinusA+"au"]) uD[consoMinusA+"au"] = consoVal + "+2380"; if(!uD[consoMinusA]) uD[consoMinusA] = consoVal + "+2381"; } cR = null; </script> <script language="JavaScript" src="nepali-unicode/d.js"></script> <script src="Scripts/AC_RunActiveContent.js" type="text/javascript"></script> </head> <body STYLE="background-color: transparent"> <form name="Form1"> <div align="center"> <table width="540" height="160" border="0" background="images/unicode-back.jpg"> <tr> <td><div align="center"> <textarea name="ascii" cols="62" rows="7" style="border: 0px solid rgb(100, 192, 192);" onKeyUp="javascript:convert();"></textarea> </div></td> </tr> </table> </div> <br /> <div align="center"> <table width="540" height="160" border="0" background="images/nepali-unicode-back.jpg"> <tr> <td><div align="center"> <textarea name="unicode" cols="62" rows="7" readonly="readonly" style="border: 0px solid rgb(192, 192, 192);"></textarea> </div></td> </tr> </table> <br> <span class="btn"> <input class="btn" title="On Internet Explorer, it will perform the 'Copy' command, too. But not so on other browsers due to their limitations. For those, after selected, right click and select 'Copy' " onClick="javascript:selectAll(Form1.unicode);" value="Select All" name="sAll" type="button"> </span> <span class="btn"> <input class="btn" onClick="javascript:clearInput();" value="Clear" name="clear" type="button"> </span><span class="btn"> <select class="btn" onChange="javascript:convert();" name="htmlEncode"> <option value="false" selected="selected">Readable Unicode </option> <option value="true">HTML Encoded Unicode</option> </select> </span><span class="btn"> <input disabled="disabled" class="btn" onClick="javascript:translate(Form1.ascii, Form1.unicode, eval(Form1.htmlEncode.value), Form1.smartConverter_.checked);" value="Convert" name="convertNow" type="hidden"> <input class="btn" onClick="javascript:smartConverter(Form1.smartConverter_.checked);convert();" checked="checked" name="smartConverter_" value="ON" type="checkbox"> Smart Converter</span></div> <br /> </form> <script language="javascript"> function selectAll(txtbox) { if(txtbox.createTextRange) /*IE*/ { t = txtbox.createTextRange(); if(t.select) t.select(); if(t.execCommand) t.execCommand('copy'); } if(txtbox.setSelectionRange) /*Mozilla*/ { txtbox.setSelectionRange(0,txtbox.value.length); } else if(txtbox.createTextRange) /*Opera 8*/ { var r = txtbox.createTextRange(); r.select(); } if(txtbox.focus) txtbox.focus(); } var liveConverstion; function clearInput() { if(Form1.ascii.value.length < 30 || confirm("Are you sure you want to clear what you typed?")) { Form1.ascii.value = ""; Form1.unicode.value = ""; Form1.ascii.focus(); } } function convertLive(flag) { if(flag) { if(Form1.ascii.value.length > 1500) { alert("The text is too large for live conversion. Please press the 'Convert' button."); Form1.convertItLive[1].checked = true; return convertLive(false); } Form1.convertNow.disabled = true; translate(Form1.ascii, Form1.unicode, eval(Form1.htmlEncode.value), Form1.smartConverter_.checked); liveConversion = true; } else { Form1.convertNow.disabled = false; liveConversion = false; } } function convert() { if(liveConversion == true && Form1.ascii.value.length <= 1500) { translate(Form1.ascii, Form1.unicode, eval(Form1.htmlEncode.value), Form1.smartConverter_.checked); } else if(liveConversion == true && Form1.ascii.value.length > 1500) convertLive(true); } smartConverter(true); translate(Form1.ascii, Form1.unicode, eval(Form1.htmlEncode.value), Form1.smartConverter_.checked); Form1.ascii.focus(); convertLive(true); </script> <marquee onmouseover=this.stop(); onmouseout=this.start(); scrollamount="3" scrolldelay="6">Did you know that you can mix basic conversion with smart conversion? Simply put any text you want to perform basic conversion on inside the square [] brackets. Example: kathmandu [kathmandu] = काठमाडौं कथ्मन्दु | के तपाईंलाई थाहा छ, तपाईंले चलाख र मूलभूत परिवर्तन लाई मिसाउन पनि सक्नुहुन्छ । त्यसका लागि मूलभूत परिवर्तन गर्नु पर्ने शब्दहरुलाई ठूलो
ब्राकेट [] भित्र राख्नुहोस् । उदाहरण: kathmandu [kathmandu] = काठमाडौं कथ्मन्दु ... You can also mix English into your Nepali text. Simply put any text you want to keep in English inside the curly {} brackets. Example: yo {software} tapailai kasto lagyo ta? = यो software तपाईंलाई कस्तो लाग्यो त? | तपाईंले नेपाली र अङ्रेजी लाई पनि मिसाउन सक्नुहुन्छ । त्यसका लागि, Ctrl र U लाई एकैपल्ट दबाउनु होस् अङ्रेजी राख्नुपर्ने शब्दहरुलाई जुङे ब्राकेट {} भित्र राख्नुहोस् । उदाहरण: yo {software} tapailai kasto lagyo ta? = यो software तपाईंलाई कस्तो लाग्यो त? | More tips... If a letter gets wrongly evaluated with the next letter, use the slash (/) key to separate. Example: pratishatko = प्रतिशत्को, pratishat/ko = प्रतिशतको | थप सन्देशहरु... कुनै शब्द त्रुटिपूर्ण रुपमा अर्को शब्दसँग मिसिन पुग्यो भने, छुट्याउनका लागि slash (/) अक्षर प्रयोग गर्नुहोस् । उदाहरण: pratishatko = प्रतिशत्को, pratishat/ko = प्रतिशतको | To force a हलन्त at the end of a word, use the backslash (\) key. Example: bas = बस, bas\ = बस् | शब्दको अन्त्यमा हलन्त राख्नको लागि backslash (\) अक्षर प्रयोग गर्नुहोस् । Example: bas = बस, bas\ = बस् | Mapping of the phonetically similar letters: ta = त, Ta = ट, tha = थ, Tha = ठ, da = द, Da = ड, dha = ध, Dha = ढ, na = न, Na = ण, sha = श, Sha = ष ... उस्तै सुनिने अक्षरहरुको लागि यसरी टाईप गर्नुहोस्: ta = त, Ta = ट, tha = थ, Tha = ठ, da = द, Da = ड, dha = ध, Dha = ढ, na = न, Na = ण, sha = श, Sha = ष ... The case (upper or lower) doesn't matter for the rest of the letters. | अरु अक्षरहरुको लागि ठुलोवर्ण वा सानोवर्ण जसरी टाईप गर्नु भए पनि हुन्छ । | Mapping of the special letters: ri^ = ्रि (as in प्रि), rr = र्‍ (as in गर्‍यो) , rri = ऋ, rree = ॠ, yna = ञ , chha = छ, ksha = क्ष, gyna = ज्ञ, * = अनुस्वर (as in संबिधान), ** = चन्द्रबिन्दु (as in यहाँ), om = ॐ ... अन्य बिशेष अक्षरहरुको लागि यसरी टाईप गर्नुहोस्: ri^ = ्रि (जस्तो: प्रि), rr = र्‍ (जस्तो: गर्‍यो) , rri = ऋ, rree = ॠ, yna = ञ , chha = छ, ksha = क्ष, gyna = ज्ञ, * = अनुस्वर (जस्तो: संबिधान), ** = चन्द्रबिन्दु (जस्तो: यहाँ), om = ॐ ... For a complete map, click here... | पूर्णरुपमा बिस्तृत तालिकाको लागि माथिको 'मद्दत पाना' लिंकमा क्लिक गर्नुहोस्... ... To pause or resume this ticker, please click here. यी सन्देश हरुलाई बन्द गर्न वा चलाऊन यहाँ क्लिक गर्नुहोस् ।</marquee><script type="text/javascript"> var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); </script> <script type="text/javascript"> try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-11603345-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {}</script><!-- Start of StatCounter Code --> <script type="text/javascript"> var sc_project=3831475; var sc_invisible=1; var sc_partition=34; var sc_click_stat=1; var sc_security="b4fcb8c1"; </script> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.statcounter.com/counter/counter_xhtml.js"></script><noscript><div class="statcounter"><a class="statcounter" href="http://www.statcounter.com/free_hit_counter.html"><img class="statcounter" src="http://c.statcounter.com/3831475/0/b4fcb8c1/1/" alt="invisible hit counter" /></a></div></noscript> <!-- End of StatCounter Code --></body> </html> ............................................................................ To mix English into your Nepali text. Simply put any text you want to keep in English inside the curly { } brackets. Example: यो मन त मेरो {Nepali} हो ।. = यो मन त मेरो Nepali हो । ............................................................................ उस्तै उस्तै : ta = त, Ta = ट, tha = थ, Tha = ठ, da = द, Da = ड, dha = ध, Dha = ढ, na = न, Na = ण, sha = श, Sha = ष ... The (upper or lower) case doesn't matter for the rest of the letters. ............................................................................ Special characters: ri^ = ्रि (as in प्रि), rr = र् (as in गर्यो), rri = ऋ, rree = ॠ, yna = ञ, chha = छ ksha =क्ष, gya =ज्ञ, * =अनुस्वर, ** =चन्द्रबिन्दु, om = ॐ ............................................................................ To Add ह्रस्व इ-कार or to remove an extra आ-कार at the end of a word, use the slash (/) key. Example: dinabhari = दिनभरी; dinabhari/ = दिनभरि samjhana = सम्झना; samjhana/ = सम्झन
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