Sunday, September 30, 2012

HTML code for Nepali Unicode Converter

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
<title>Nepali Unicode | Nepali Unicode Converter</title>
<META NAME="description" CONTENT="Nepali Unicode, Nepali Unicode Converter, Romanized Nepali">

<META NAME="keywords" CONTENT="Nepali Unicode, Nepali Unicode Converter">

<script language="javascript"> /************************************************************************************ ************************************************************************************   * DO NOT USE // FOR COMMENTS. Use the star slash notation. ************************************************************************************/  var uD = new Object; var sW = new Object; var cR = new Object; var iW = new Object;  iW["cha"] = "chha"; iW["chu"] = "chhu"; iW["chha"] = "chha"; iW["ma"] = "ma"; iW["aba"] = "aba"; iW["nam"] = "naam"; iW["ram"] = "raam"; iW["pani"] = "pani"; iW["lai"] = "laaii"; iW["pai"] = "paaii"; iW["dai"] = "daaii"; iW["bhai"] = "bhaaii";  function translateWords(sent, html) { if(sW["smartconverter_on"] == "true") sent = sent.replace(/\s*\./g, " .").replace(/\s*\?/g, " ?");  var words = sent.split(" "); var rVal = ""; var subs; for(i=0;i<words.length;i++) { words[i] = words[i].replace(/ri\^/g,"ari^"); /*special 'tri's need 'a' injected: 'tari' */ if(sW["smartconverter_on"] == "true") { if(hasSW(words[i])); else if(iW[words[i]]) words[i] = iW[words[i]]; else if(words[i].length > 3) { var ec_0, ec_1, ec_2, ec_3; ec_0 = words[i].charAt(words[i].length -1).toLowerCase(); ec_1 = words[i].charAt(words[i].length -2).toLowerCase(); ec_2 = words[i].charAt(words[i].length -3).toLowerCase(); ec_3 = words[i].charAt(words[i].length -4).toLowerCase();  if((ec_0  == 'a' || ec_0  == 'e' || ec_0  == 'u') && ec_1  == 'h' && ec_2  == 'c') /*cha->chha, chu->chhu*/ words[i]= words[i].substring(0, words[i].length -3) + "chh" + ec_0; else if(ec_0  == 'y') /*y->ee, ry=ree*/ words[i]= words[i].substring(0, words[i].length -1) + "ree"; else if(ec_0  == 'a' && ec_1  == 'h' && ec_2  == 'h') ; /*chha->nothing..parchha*/ else if(ec_0  == 'a' && ec_1  == 'n' && ec_2  == 'k') ; /*kna->nothing..pakna sakna*/ else if(ec_0  == 'a' && ec_1  == 'n' && ec_2  == 'h') ; /*hna->nothing..lekhna, dekhna*/ else if(ec_0  == 'a' && ec_1  == 'n' && ec_2  == 'r') ; /*rna->nothing..garna sarna*/ else if(ec_0  == 'a' && ec_1  == 'r' && ec_2  == 'd'  && ec_3  == 'n') ; /*ndra->nothing..rajendra*/ else if(ec_0  == 'a' && ec_1  == 'r' && ec_2  == 't'  && ec_3  == 'n') ; /*ntra->nothing..swatantra*/ else if(ec_0  == 'a' && ((ec_1 == 'm') || (!isVowel(ec_1) && !isVowel(ec_3) && ec_1 != 'y' && ec_2 != 'e')))  words[i]+="a"; if(ec_0  == 'i' &&  !isVowel(ec_1))/*ending i->ee*/ words[i]= words[i].substring(0, words[i].length -1) + "ee"; } }  subs = words[i].split("/"); for(j=0;j<subs.length;j++) if(subs[j].length != 0) rVal += getAllUnicode(subs[j], html); rVal += " "; } return rVal; }  function hasSW(s) { var sIndex; for(sIndex = s.length-2; sIndex>=0;sIndex--) { if(sW[s.substring(sIndex)]) return true; } return false; }  function getUnicode(t, ll, html) { var u = ""; var stopPos = 0; var ar = t.split("+"); if(ll && ar && ar.length > 1 && sW["smartconverter_on"] == "true" && ar[ar.length-1] == "2381") /* remove trailing short characther so that swagatam = swagatama */ stopPos = 1; if(ar) for(k=0; k<(ar.length - stopPos);k++) if(ar[k].length > 0 && !html) u +=String.fromCharCode(ar[k]); else if(ar[k].length > 0 && html) u +="&#"+ar[k]+";";  return u; }  function getAllUnicode(s, html) { var allUnicode = ""; var u; var tryString = s; tryString= tryString.replace(/T/g, "^^t^^").replace(/D/g, "^^d^^").replace(/N/g, "^^n^^").replace(/SH/g, "^^sh^^").replace(/Sh/g, "^^sh^^"); tryString=tryString.toLowerCase(); tryString= tryString.replace(/\^\^t\^\^/g, "T").replace(/\^\^d\^\^/g, "D").replace(/\^\^n\^\^/g, "N").replace(/\^\^sh\^\^/g, "Sh"); var nextTryString = ""; while(tryString.length > 0) { u = uD[tryString]; if(u || tryString.length <= 1) { if(u) allUnicode += getUnicode(u, !(nextTryString.replace(/^\s+|\s+|\\$/, '').length>0), html); else allUnicode += tryString; tryString = nextTryString; nextTryString = ""; } else { nextTryString = tryString.charAt(tryString.length -1) + nextTryString; tryString = tryString.substring(0, tryString.length -1); } } if(allUnicode.length == 0) return s; else return allUnicode; }  function translate(source, destination, html, smart) { var input = source.value; var beginIndex = 0; var endIndex = -1; var engTokens = new Object; var token = ""; var tokenCount = 1; var mask = ""; while(beginIndex > -1 && endIndex < input.length -1) { beginIndex = input.indexOf("{", endIndex + 1); if(beginIndex > -1) { endIndex = input.indexOf("}", beginIndex + 1); if(endIndex == -1) endIndex = input.length - 1;  token = input.substring(beginIndex, endIndex + 1); mask = "$-"+tokenCount+"-$"; engTokens[mask] = token.substring(1, token.length-1); input = input.replace(token, mask); endIndex = endIndex - token.length + mask.length; tokenCount++; } }  var nonSmartTokens = new Object; if(smart) { smartConverter(false); beginIndex = 0; endIndex = -1; token = ""; mask = ""; while(beginIndex > -1 && endIndex < input.length -1) { beginIndex = input.indexOf("[", endIndex + 1); if(beginIndex > -1) { endIndex = input.indexOf("]", beginIndex + 1); if(endIndex == -1) endIndex = input.length - 1;  token = input.substring(beginIndex, endIndex + 1); mask = "$-"+tokenCount+"-$"; nonSmartTokens[mask] = translateWords(token.substring(1, token.length-1), html); input = input.replace(token, mask); endIndex = endIndex - token.length + mask.length; tokenCount++; } } smartConverter(true); }  var unicode =  translateWords(input, html);  if(smart) { for (mask in nonSmartTokens) { unicode = unicode.replace(translateWords(mask, html).replace(" ", ""), nonSmartTokens[mask].replace(/\s$/, "")); } }  for (mask in engTokens) { unicode = unicode.replace(translateWords(mask, html).replace(" ", ""), engTokens[mask]); }   destination.value = unicode; }  function isVowel(c) { c = c.toLowerCase(); if(c && c =="a" || c =="e" || c =="i" || c =="o" || c =="u") return true; return false; }  function smartConverter(smartflag) { if(smartflag) { for (var specialWord in sW) uD[specialWord] = sW[specialWord]; sW["smartconverter_on"] = "true"; } else { for (var specialWord in sW) if(uD[specialWord]) uD[specialWord] = null; sW["smartconverter_on"] = null; }  }    cR["ba"]="2348"; cR["bha"]="2349"; cR["ca"]="2325"; cR["cha"]="2330"; cR["chha"]="2331"; cR["Da"]="2337"; cR["da"]="2342"; cR["dha"]="2343"; cR["Dha"]="2338"; cR["fa"]="2347"; cR["ga"]="2327"; cR["gha"]="2328"; cR["gya"]="2332+2381+2334"; cR["ha"]="2361"; cR["ja"]="2332"; cR["jha"]="2333"; cR["ka"]="2325"; cR["kha"]="2326"; cR["ksha"]="2325+2381+2359"; cR["la"]="2354"; cR["ma"]="2350"; cR["Na"]="2339"; cR["na"]="2344"; cR["Nepala"]="2344+2375+2346+2366+2354"; cR["nga"]="2329"; cR["pa"]="2346"; cR["pha"]="2347"; cR["qa"]="2325"; cR["ra"]="2352"; cR["sa"]="2360"; cR["sha"]="2358"; cR["Sha"]="2359"; cR["ta"]="2340"; cR["Ta"]="2335"; cR["Tha"]="2336"; cR["tha"]="2341"; cR["va"]="2357"; cR["wa"]="2357"; cR["xa"]="2325+2381+2360"; cR["ya"]="2351"; cR["yna"]="2334"; cR["za"]="2332"; uD["*"]="2306"; uD["**"]="2305"; uD["."]="2404"; uD["\\"]="2381"; uD["0"]="2406"; uD["1"]="2407"; uD["2"]="2408"; uD["3"]="2409"; uD["4"]="2410"; uD["5"]="2411"; uD["6"]="2412"; uD["7"]="2413"; uD["8"]="2414"; uD["9"]="2415"; uD["a"]="2309"; uD["aa"]="2310"; uD["ai"]="2320"; uD["am"]="2309+2381"; uD["au"]="2324"; uD["aum"]="2384"; uD["e"]="2319"; uD["i"]="2311"; uD["ii"]="2312"; uD["o"]="2323"; uD["om"]="2384"; uD["oo"]="2314"; uD["ri^"]="2381+2352+2367+"; uD["rr"]="2352+2381+8205"; uD["rree"]="2400"; uD["rri"]="2315"; uD["u"]="2313";  for(var conso in cR) {  if(!uD[conso]) uD[conso] = cR[conso]; if(!uD[conso+"a"]) uD[conso+"a"] = cR[conso] + "+2366"; var consoMinusA = conso.substring(0,conso.length-1); var consoVal = cR[conso]; if(!uD[consoMinusA+"i"]) uD[consoMinusA+"i"] = consoVal + "+2367"; if(!uD[consoMinusA+"ee"]) uD[consoMinusA+"ee"] = consoVal + "+2368"; if(!uD[consoMinusA+"u"]) uD[consoMinusA+"u"] = consoVal + "+2369"; if(!uD[consoMinusA+"oo"]) uD[consoMinusA+"oo"] = consoVal + "+2370"; if(!uD[consoMinusA+"ri"]) uD[consoMinusA+"ri"] = consoVal + "+2371"; if(!uD[consoMinusA+"e"]) uD[consoMinusA+"e"] = consoVal + "+2375"; if(!uD[consoMinusA+"ai"]) uD[consoMinusA+"ai"] = consoVal + "+2376"; if(!uD[consoMinusA+"o"]) uD[consoMinusA+"o"] = consoVal + "+2379"; if(!uD[consoMinusA+"au"]) uD[consoMinusA+"au"] = consoVal + "+2380"; if(!uD[consoMinusA]) uD[consoMinusA] = consoVal + "+2381"; } cR = null; </script>
<script language="JavaScript" src="nepali-unicode/d.js"></script>
<script src="Scripts/AC_RunActiveContent.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<body STYLE="background-color: transparent">

<form name="Form1">
                <div align="center">
                  <table width="540" height="160" border="0" background="images/unicode-back.jpg">
                      <td><div align="center">
                        <textarea name="ascii" cols="62" rows="7" style="border: 0px solid rgb(100, 192, 192);" onKeyUp="javascript:convert();"></textarea>
                <br />
                <div align="center">
                  <table width="540" height="160" border="0" background="images/nepali-unicode-back.jpg">
                      <td><div align="center">
                        <textarea name="unicode" cols="62" rows="7" readonly="readonly" style="border: 0px solid rgb(192, 192, 192);"></textarea>
                  <span class="btn">
                    <input class="btn" title="On Internet Explorer, it will perform the 'Copy' command, too. But not so on other browsers due to their limitations. For those, after selected, right click and select 'Copy' " onClick="javascript:selectAll(Form1.unicode);" value="Select All" name="sAll" type="button">
                  </span> <span class="btn">
                    <input class="btn" onClick="javascript:clearInput();" value="Clear" name="clear" type="button">
                    </span><span class="btn">
                    <select class="btn" onChange="javascript:convert();" name="htmlEncode">
                      <option value="false" selected="selected">Readable Unicode </option>
                      <option value="true">HTML Encoded Unicode</option>
                    </span><span class="btn">
                    <input disabled="disabled" class="btn" onClick="javascript:translate(Form1.ascii, Form1.unicode, eval(Form1.htmlEncode.value), Form1.smartConverter_.checked);" value="Convert" name="convertNow" type="hidden">
                    <input class="btn" onClick="javascript:smartConverter(Form1.smartConverter_.checked);convert();" checked="checked" name="smartConverter_" value="ON" type="checkbox">
                      Smart Converter</span></div>
                      <br />
              <script language="javascript"> function selectAll(txtbox)  {  if(txtbox.createTextRange)  /*IE*/ { t = txtbox.createTextRange(); if(; if(t.execCommand) t.execCommand('copy'); } if(txtbox.setSelectionRange) /*Mozilla*/ { txtbox.setSelectionRange(0,txtbox.value.length); } else if(txtbox.createTextRange) /*Opera 8*/ { var r = txtbox.createTextRange();; } if(txtbox.focus) txtbox.focus(); }  var liveConverstion; function clearInput() { if(Form1.ascii.value.length < 30 || confirm("Are you sure you want to clear what you typed?")) { Form1.ascii.value = ""; Form1.unicode.value = ""; Form1.ascii.focus(); } }  function convertLive(flag) {  if(flag) { if(Form1.ascii.value.length > 1500) { alert("The text is too large for live conversion. Please press the 'Convert' button."); Form1.convertItLive[1].checked = true; return convertLive(false); } Form1.convertNow.disabled = true; translate(Form1.ascii, Form1.unicode, eval(Form1.htmlEncode.value), Form1.smartConverter_.checked); liveConversion = true;  } else { Form1.convertNow.disabled = false; liveConversion = false; } }  function convert() { if(liveConversion == true && Form1.ascii.value.length <= 1500) { translate(Form1.ascii, Form1.unicode, eval(Form1.htmlEncode.value), Form1.smartConverter_.checked); } else if(liveConversion == true && Form1.ascii.value.length > 1500) convertLive(true); }  smartConverter(true); translate(Form1.ascii, Form1.unicode, eval(Form1.htmlEncode.value), Form1.smartConverter_.checked);  Form1.ascii.focus(); convertLive(true); </script> 
<marquee onmouseover=this.stop(); onmouseout=this.start(); scrollamount="3" scrolldelay="6">Did
you know that you can mix basic conversion with smart conversion?
Simply put any text you want to perform basic conversion on inside the
square [] brackets. Example: kathmandu [kathmandu] = &#2325;&#2366;&#2336;&#2350;&#2366;&#2337;&#2380;&#2306; &#2325;&#2341;&#2381;&#2350;&#2344;&#2381;&#2342;&#2369;
| &#2325;&#2375; &#2340;&#2346;&#2366;&#2312;&#2306;&#2354;&#2366;&#2312; &#2341;&#2366;&#2361;&#2366; &#2331;, &#2340;&#2346;&#2366;&#2312;&#2306;&#2354;&#2375; &#2330;&#2354;&#2366;&#2326; &#2352; &#2350;&#2370;&#2354;&#2349;&#2370;&#2340; &#2346;&#2352;&#2367;&#2357;&#2352;&#2381;&#2340;&#2344; &#2354;&#2366;&#2312; &#2350;&#2367;&#2360;&#2366;&#2313;&#2344; &#2346;&#2344;&#2367;
&#2360;&#2325;&#2381;&#2344;&#2369;&#2361;&#2369;&#2344;&#2381;&#2331; &#2404; &#2340;&#2381;&#2351;&#2360;&#2325;&#2366; &#2354;&#2366;&#2327;&#2367; &#2350;&#2370;&#2354;&#2349;&#2370;&#2340; &#2346;&#2352;&#2367;&#2357;&#2352;&#2381;&#2340;&#2344; &#2327;&#2352;&#2381;&#2344;&#2369; &#2346;&#2352;&#2381;&#2344;&#2375; &#2358;&#2348;&#2381;&#2342;&#2361;&#2352;&#2369;&#2354;&#2366;&#2312; &#2336;&#2370;&#2354;&#2379;


&#2348;&#2381;&#2352;&#2366;&#2325;&#2375;&#2335; [] &#2349;&#2367;&#2340;&#2381;&#2352; &#2352;&#2366;&#2326;&#2381;&#2344;&#2369;&#2361;&#2379;&#2360;&#2381; &#2404; &#2313;&#2342;&#2366;&#2361;&#2352;&#2339;: kathmandu [kathmandu] = &#2325;&#2366;&#2336;&#2350;&#2366;&#2337;&#2380;&#2306; &#2325;&#2341;&#2381;&#2350;&#2344;&#2381;&#2342;&#2369; ... You can also mix English into your Nepali text. Simply put any text you want to keep in English inside the curly {} brackets. Example: yo {software} tapailai kasto lagyo ta? = &#2351;&#2379; software &#2340;&#2346;&#2366;&#2312;&#2306;&#2354;&#2366;&#2312; &#2325;&#2360;&#2381;&#2340;&#2379; &#2354;&#2366;&#2327;&#2381;&#2351;&#2379; &#2340;? | &#2340;&#2346;&#2366;&#2312;&#2306;&#2354;&#2375; &#2344;&#2375;&#2346;&#2366;&#2354;&#2368; &#2352; &#2309;&#2329;&#2381;&#2352;&#2375;&#2332;&#2368; &#2354;&#2366;&#2312; &#2346;&#2344;&#2367; &#2350;&#2367;&#2360;&#2366;&#2313;&#2344; &#2360;&#2325;&#2381;&#2344;&#2369;&#2361;&#2369;&#2344;&#2381;&#2331; &#2404; &#2340;&#2381;&#2351;&#2360;&#2325;&#2366; &#2354;&#2366;&#2327;&#2367;, Ctrl &#2352; U &#2354;&#2366;&#2312; &#2319;&#2325;&#2376;&#2346;&#2354;&#2381;&#2335; &#2342;&#2348;&#2366;&#2313;&#2344;&#2369; &#2361;&#2379;&#2360;&#2381; &#2309;&#2329;&#2381;&#2352;&#2375;&#2332;&#2368; &#2352;&#2366;&#2326;&#2381;&#2344;&#2369;&#2346;&#2352;&#2381;&#2344;&#2375; &#2358;&#2348;&#2381;&#2342;&#2361;&#2352;&#2369;&#2354;&#2366;&#2312; &#2332;&#2369;&#2329;&#2375; &#2348;&#2381;&#2352;&#2366;&#2325;&#2375;&#2335; {} &#2349;&#2367;&#2340;&#2381;&#2352; &#2352;&#2366;&#2326;&#2381;&#2344;&#2369;&#2361;&#2379;&#2360;&#2381; &#2404; &#2313;&#2342;&#2366;&#2361;&#2352;&#2339;: yo {software} tapailai kasto lagyo ta? = &#2351;&#2379; software &#2340;&#2346;&#2366;&#2312;&#2306;&#2354;&#2366;&#2312; &#2325;&#2360;&#2381;&#2340;&#2379; &#2354;&#2366;&#2327;&#2381;&#2351;&#2379; &#2340;? | More tips... If a letter gets wrongly evaluated with the next letter, use the slash (/) key to separate. Example: pratishatko = &#2346;&#2381;&#2352;&#2340;&#2367;&#2358;&#2340;&#2381;&#2325;&#2379;, pratishat/ko = &#2346;&#2381;&#2352;&#2340;&#2367;&#2358;&#2340;&#2325;&#2379; | &#2341;&#2346; &#2360;&#2344;&#2381;&#2342;&#2375;&#2358;&#2361;&#2352;&#2369;... &#2325;&#2369;&#2344;&#2376; &#2358;&#2348;&#2381;&#2342; &#2340;&#2381;&#2352;&#2369;&#2335;&#2367;&#2346;&#2370;&#2352;&#2381;&#2339; &#2352;&#2369;&#2346;&#2350;&#2366; &#2309;&#2352;&#2381;&#2325;&#2379; &#2358;&#2348;&#2381;&#2342;&#2360;&#2305;&#2327; &#2350;&#2367;&#2360;&#2367;&#2344; &#2346;&#2369;&#2327;&#2381;&#2351;&#2379; &#2349;&#2344;&#2375;, &#2331;&#2369;&#2335;&#2381;&#2351;&#2366;&#2313;&#2344;&#2325;&#2366; &#2354;&#2366;&#2327;&#2367; slash (/) &#2309;&#2325;&#2381;&#2359;&#2352; &#2346;&#2381;&#2352;&#2351;&#2379;&#2327; &#2327;&#2352;&#2381;&#2344;&#2369;&#2361;&#2379;&#2360;&#2381; &#2404; &#2313;&#2342;&#2366;&#2361;&#2352;&#2339;: pratishatko = &#2346;&#2381;&#2352;&#2340;&#2367;&#2358;&#2340;&#2381;&#2325;&#2379;, pratishat/ko = &#2346;&#2381;&#2352;&#2340;&#2367;&#2358;&#2340;&#2325;&#2379; | To force a &#2361;&#2354;&#2344;&#2381;&#2340; at the end of a word, use the backslash (\) key. Example: bas = &#2348;&#2360;, bas\ = &#2348;&#2360;&#2381; | &#2358;&#2348;&#2381;&#2342;&#2325;&#2379; &#2309;&#2344;&#2381;&#2340;&#2381;&#2351;&#2350;&#2366; &#2361;&#2354;&#2344;&#2381;&#2340; &#2352;&#2366;&#2326;&#2381;&#2344;&#2325;&#2379; &#2354;&#2366;&#2327;&#2367; backslash (\) &#2309;&#2325;&#2381;&#2359;&#2352; &#2346;&#2381;&#2352;&#2351;&#2379;&#2327; &#2327;&#2352;&#2381;&#2344;&#2369;&#2361;&#2379;&#2360;&#2381; &#2404; Example: bas = &#2348;&#2360;, bas\ = &#2348;&#2360;&#2381; | Mapping of the phonetically similar letters: ta = &#2340;, Ta = &#2335;, tha = &#2341;, Tha = &#2336;, da = &#2342;, Da = &#2337;, dha = &#2343;, Dha = &#2338;, na = &#2344;, Na = &#2339;, sha = &#2358;, Sha = &#2359; ... &#2313;&#2360;&#2381;&#2340;&#2376; &#2360;&#2369;&#2344;&#2367;&#2344;&#2375; &#2309;&#2325;&#2381;&#2359;&#2352;&#2361;&#2352;&#2369;&#2325;&#2379; &#2354;&#2366;&#2327;&#2367; &#2351;&#2360;&#2352;&#2368; &#2335;&#2366;&#2312;&#2346; &#2327;&#2352;&#2381;&#2344;&#2369;&#2361;&#2379;&#2360;&#2381;: ta = &#2340;, Ta = &#2335;, tha = &#2341;, Tha = &#2336;, da = &#2342;, Da = &#2337;, dha = &#2343;, Dha = &#2338;, na = &#2344;, Na = &#2339;, sha = &#2358;, Sha = &#2359; ... The case (upper or lower) doesn't matter for the rest of the letters. | &#2309;&#2352;&#2369; &#2309;&#2325;&#2381;&#2359;&#2352;&#2361;&#2352;&#2369;&#2325;&#2379; &#2354;&#2366;&#2327;&#2367; &#2336;&#2369;&#2354;&#2379;&#2357;&#2352;&#2381;&#2339; &#2357;&#2366; &#2360;&#2366;&#2344;&#2379;&#2357;&#2352;&#2381;&#2339; &#2332;&#2360;&#2352;&#2368; &#2335;&#2366;&#2312;&#2346; &#2327;&#2352;&#2381;&#2344;&#2369; &#2349;&#2319; &#2346;&#2344;&#2367; &#2361;&#2369;&#2344;&#2381;&#2331; &#2404; | Mapping of the special letters: ri^ = &#2381;&#2352;&#2367; (as in &#2346;&#2381;&#2352;&#2367;), rr = &#2352;&#2381;&#8205; (as in &#2327;&#2352;&#2381;&#8205;&#2351;&#2379;) , rri = &#2315;, rree = &#2400;, yna = &#2334; , chha = &#2331;, ksha = &#2325;&#2381;&#2359;, gyna = &#2332;&#2381;&#2334;, * = &#2309;&#2344;&#2369;&#2360;&#2381;&#2357;&#2352; (as in &#2360;&#2306;&#2348;&#2367;&#2343;&#2366;&#2344;), ** = &#2330;&#2344;&#2381;&#2342;&#2381;&#2352;&#2348;&#2367;&#2344;&#2381;&#2342;&#2369; (as in &#2351;&#2361;&#2366;&#2305;), om = &#2384; ... &#2309;&#2344;&#2381;&#2351; &#2348;&#2367;&#2358;&#2375;&#2359; &#2309;&#2325;&#2381;&#2359;&#2352;&#2361;&#2352;&#2369;&#2325;&#2379; &#2354;&#2366;&#2327;&#2367; &#2351;&#2360;&#2352;&#2368; &#2335;&#2366;&#2312;&#2346; &#2327;&#2352;&#2381;&#2344;&#2369;&#2361;&#2379;&#2360;&#2381;: ri^ = &#2381;&#2352;&#2367; (&#2332;&#2360;&#2381;&#2340;&#2379;: &#2346;&#2381;&#2352;&#2367;), rr = &#2352;&#2381;&#8205; (&#2332;&#2360;&#2381;&#2340;&#2379;: &#2327;&#2352;&#2381;&#8205;&#2351;&#2379;) , rri = &#2315;, rree = &#2400;, yna = &#2334; , chha = &#2331;, ksha = &#2325;&#2381;&#2359;, gyna = &#2332;&#2381;&#2334;, * = &#2309;&#2344;&#2369;&#2360;&#2381;&#2357;&#2352; (&#2332;&#2360;&#2381;&#2340;&#2379;: &#2360;&#2306;&#2348;&#2367;&#2343;&#2366;&#2344;), ** = &#2330;&#2344;&#2381;&#2342;&#2381;&#2352;&#2348;&#2367;&#2344;&#2381;&#2342;&#2369; (&#2332;&#2360;&#2381;&#2340;&#2379;: &#2351;&#2361;&#2366;&#2305;), om = &#2384; ... For a complete map, click here... | &#2346;&#2370;&#2352;&#2381;&#2339;&#2352;&#2369;&#2346;&#2350;&#2366; &#2348;&#2367;&#2360;&#2381;&#2340;&#2371;&#2340; &#2340;&#2366;&#2354;&#2367;&#2325;&#2366;&#2325;&#2379; &#2354;&#2366;&#2327;&#2367; &#2350;&#2366;&#2341;&#2367;&#2325;&#2379; '&#2350;&#2342;&#2381;&#2342;&#2340; &#2346;&#2366;&#2344;&#2366;' &#2354;&#2367;&#2306;&#2325;&#2350;&#2366; &#2325;&#2381;&#2354;&#2367;&#2325; &#2327;&#2352;&#2381;&#2344;&#2369;&#2361;&#2379;&#2360;&#2381;... ... 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Monday, September 24, 2012

Body Guard Full Movie.

Story :

Balwanth Singh is the bodyguard of Sartaj Rana (Raj babbar) with high competencies. During one night, Balwanth, along with his pregnant wife, meet with an accident proving fatal for Balwanth while his wife is rescued by Sartaj, and she later gives birth to a child named Lovely. Lovely Singh (Salman Khan), now grown up, works in a security agency. On Sartaj’s order, Lovely busts a human trafficking racket operated by Ranjan Mahatre (Mahesh Manjrekar) and his brothers. Fearing revenge from his enemies, Sartaj calls upon Lovely and appoints him as the Bodyguard of his daughter Divya (Kaareena Kapoor).
Lovely Singh is very devoted to his duties but eventually irritates Divya all the time by following her everywhere from her college campus to her classroom. Consequently, Divya and her friend Maya (Hazel Keech) call Lovely from a private mobile number and start a prank love affair, hoping to keep him away from them. Initially hesitant, Lovely gradually starts loving the mystery girl Chhaya but doesn't realize that it is actually Divya calling her as Chhaya. Meanwhile, Lovely protects Divya on many occasions from the attacks of Ranjan Mahatre and his goons. This results in Divya too falling in love with Lovely but is scared to reveal her identity due to Lovely’s immense devotions towards his duties and her father. Further some circumstances lead Sartaj to begin suspecting that Lovely and Divya are in love and they might elope. He sends his men to kill Lovely in case his lover turns out to be Divya. Divya convinces her father that they are not running away and instead Lovely’s love is someone else and is waiting for him at the railway station. Sensing that Lovely might be heartbroken if he does not meet his lover at the station, Divya sends her friend Maya to tell Lovely her true identity. Lovely, after waiting for long at the station platform, finally sees Maya and is happy to hug her before Maya could reveal Divya’s secret. But Maya while hugging Lovely admits that she is Chhaya, the mysterious girl and his lover. Divya calls her twice, but Maya throws the cellphone out of the train, erasing Divya out of their love life completely. They both get married but soon Maya dies after giving birth to a child. She writes notes to their son in a diary about the fraud she committed with her best friend Divya and asks him to unite Lovely and Divya.
Several years later, Sartaj invites Lovely and his son to his house, and apologizes for his behavior. Lovely believed that Divya is married and happily settled in London but is shocked to see her there in the house and had still not married,while her look was like married woman. His son grows closer to Divya and even apologizes on his mother’s behalf. On their last day of visit, while leaving, he asks Divya to accompany him as his mother. Infuriated Lovely asks his son to apologize to Divya but he refuses and walks away. Sartaj tells Lovely that he too feels the same and requests him to take Divya with him to which Lovely gets obliged to accept. At the railway station, Lovely and his son are accompanied by Divya. His son secretly throws away Maya's diary into trash but is eventually recovered by Lovely. On reading it, he discovers that Divya was his actual lover Chhaya. He calls Divya on her cellphone and addresses her as Chhaya. Divya is overwhelmed with joy and happiness realizing that Lovely has come to know of the truth and her identity. She runs toward Lovely and they both hug each other while his son is happily watching them.


Chapali Height Full Movie.

Chapali Height is a story of Amir (Amir Gautam) , Bineeta (Binita Baral) and Raj (Raj Ghimire). Amir and Bineeta come from Pokhara to live in Raj’s house at Chapali Height where he is living alone. After spending some time there, relationship between Amir and Bineeta becomes sour and an accident commences the main story of the movie. Its better to Keep the details of the accident, and the suspense that follows, a secret so that your movie experience is not ruined when you watch the movie.


Chapali Height Part-I

Chapali Height Part-II


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